Empowered and intentional

CUES CEO’s advice to navigate a fulfilling career

I recently received this message via LinkedIn: “I’m eager to create a life and career that I love, but I know that women sometimes face different hurdles in the professional world. What advice do you have for me?”

A similar question lands in my inbox or voicemail time and time again, and it’s one that resonates deeply with me. Just last week, I received no fewer than seven emails, calls and messages from young professional women seeking guidance on this very topic. They’re eager to create lives and careers that are both successful and satisfying, but they’re also acutely aware of the obstacles that can make this journey more complex for women.

Of course, many men find themselves grappling with similar questions and aspirations. The desire for a meaningful, impactful career is universal. But as a woman who has navigated the twists and turns of the corporate world, I know firsthand that the path can be riddled with unique challenges and double standards.


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