Emergency savings bleak? Starting to save is key

by. Amaia Kirtland

More than a quarter of Americans do not have an emergency savings account. Of those who do, two-thirds have less than six months’ worth of living expenses, according to a Bankrate.com survey (Bankrate.com June 23).

The percentage of respondents who say they have no emergency savings has fluctuated between 24% and 28% since 2011. Student loan debt, high household expenses and flat wage growth all contribute to Americans’ low savings rates (USAToday.com June 23).

If you have no emergency savings, getting started is the most important step. Follow this advice from the consumer publications editors at the Credit Union National Association in Madison, Wis., to cut spending and build your account:

  • Get cooperation from family. Discuss money management with your partner, develop a spending plan together, and agree who will take financial responsibility for what. Be honest about your finances. Set SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and with fixed time frames. Once you and your partner are the same path, involve your children. Make learning about money fun, be consistent in your teachings and be a good financial role model.
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