Don’t Miss This Cross-sell Opportunity

Do you wish your customers a happy birthday? It’s a chance to make a cross-sell offer and to strengthen the banking relationship with your bank customers or credit union members.

Obviously, your message shouldn’t be, “It’s your birthday, so open a new account.” No one appreciates such a blatant tactic.

So what should you do?


Here’s an example of a customer birthday card sent by TracFone Wireless. (Click image to enlarge.)

Inside of the TracFone birthday card with cross-sell offer.

Inside of the TracFone birthday card with cross-sell offer.

The cover, not shown, is filled with balloons that spell out Happy Birthday.

This 4.5 x 6-inch (folded) card delivers two messages.

  1. It acknowledges the customer’s birthday.
  2. It makes an offer.

The offer also accomplishes two objectives.

  1. It gives the customer something free. This is the actual offer. The incentive to act.
  2. It gains additional revenue for the company.
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