Diversity Insight: People with disabilities have hidden superpowers

Businesses and boardrooms benefit from including these voices.

Everyone is talking about race, gender, and LGBTQ+ rights, but there’s another diverse group that is frequently left out of the conversation.

As a disabled person battling Multiple Sclerosis, I am a member of that diverse community that is frequently ignored and overlooked at work. Even more relevant, I can relate to my able-bodied co-workers because, for the first 22 years of my life, I was just like them—and you. But everything changed when I was diagnosed with MS 26 years ago.

I still remember the first time I walked into the shoe department and realized I wouldn’t be able to wear high heels any longer. I broke down and started crying on the same chair I used to try on my favorite designer pumps.

For the next 14 years, I tried to hide my disability at work. I feared my employer and co-workers would view me differently once they realized I was different. My self-esteem plummeted.


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