Disruptive technologies push FIs to innovate

by. Shazia Manus

Recent research revealed more than half of retail financial institution (FI) executives consider non-traditional financial services providers a threat to traditional FIs. Conversely, 31 percent view non-traditional players less as a threat and more as potential partners on the path to innovation.

The report from Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC), Retail Banking 2020: Evolution or revolution,” surveyed nearly 600 FI executives from 17 countries. Not surprisingly, respondents’ opinions differed by region. Significantly more U.S. executives name new market entrants as a threat (71 percent) than do executives in Asia (42 percent).

Ninety percent of executives agreed on six main priorities for retail FIs to remain competitive going forward:

  1. Putting consumers first
  2. Embracing the move from traditional branch-based to digital banking
  3. Streamlining business and operating models
  4. Deciphering and putting Big Data to effective use
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