DID’12: What is your Credit Union Doing Different in 2012

Randy Smith, Publisher/Managing Editor, CUinsight.comby: Randy Smith, Publisher/Managing Editor, CUinsight.com

I had the opportunity to moderate the DID’12 conference this week in Columbia South Carolina.  What does DID’12 stand for you might ask?  Doing It Different in 2012.  The goal of the conference was to hear new ideas and come together with others in the credit union community to look at what we can do this year and beyond to not only stay relevant but prosper in our communities well into the future.

The conference had presenters much like any other.  Some of our partners at CUinsight were there.  Your Marketing Co and CUES played a vital roll in organizing the event, Mike Bartoo from MARQUIS had a great presentation on actually knowing your members and making sure you are treating the best of them the way they deserve.  It’s easier to keep a great member then to try to replace them when they walk out the door.

When I was reflecting on the day I kept coming back to what an open and great environment it was.  Credit union executives from across the state getting together in one room and not only hearing great ideas but having open discussions throughout.  Sharing what is working, what they are considering for the future and what their challenges are in their communities.  A crazy thing was happening… collaboration.  How did that sneak in?  What was the common bond?  Most had the same challenges at their credit union.  From the largest to the smallest they all share a common bond.

At the end of the month I have the opportunity to do a presentation at the NJCUL’s Reality Check.  This is another conference where everyone is together.  You are not there to be talked to and read slides off a PowerPoint.  The presenter is there to spark and facilitate the discussion.  I think events like these are so powerful.  If you have the opportunity to attend one I recommend you do it.  If you can bring one new idea back to your credit union think how productive that day or two actually was.

At DID’12 the conversations, (I’m recalling at 30,000 feet) ranged from new and fresh marketing ideas, technology, new sources of revenue, branch design/innovation, what to do with all the data you have on your members, and what I would call people issues.  Weather it’s your members or your staff (who I assume are members) it is the people that make up your credit union.

So what are you going to do in 2012?  Are you going to stop recycling the same rate advertisements and billboards?  Do you know who the top 10% members are?  What are you doing for them to show your appreciation?  Are you introducing new solutions for members who may have had a tough few years?  Are you investing in technology and the branch to stay relevant in this fast paced digital world?  Are you training your staff not cross sell but to meet your members needs.

How are you Doing it Different in 2012?

Randy Smith is one of the founders and publisher of CUinsight.com, your one stop place for all things credit union.  Randy has spent over 15 years in the financial services community.  Over the past three years as publisher of CUinsight.com Randy looks for new and innovative ways to spread the credit union message and keep the community informed.  Randy works closely with individual credit unions, leagues and associations on a variety of topics including media relations, business development, marketing and strategic plans to get new ideas off the ground. Put simply, Randy likes to create and foster new ideas and watch them grow.  Randy has been cited and written for many publications and speaks at industry events to further the growth of the credit union movement.  www.cuinsight.com


If you would like information on setting up a DID’12 Conference in your area, please feel free to contact me and I will put you in touch with the mastermind behind this one.
Randall Smith

Randall Smith

Randall Smith is the co-founder of CUInsight.com, the host of The CUInsight Experience podcast, and a bit of a wanderlust. As one of the co-founders of CUInsight he looks ... Web: www.CUInsight.com Details