Diana Dykstra: My memories of HR 1151

‘Member support was overwhelming.’

I was working at Patelco Credit Union and assisted in the coordination of informing members of our issues and gathering signatures.

Member support was overwhelming, and the only issue was how on earth were we going to get all of those letters and sheets of signatures to our elected officials. The internet was not widely used at that time—I know it is surprising to most.

At that time I had been in the credit union movement for approximately 15 years. It was so exciting to see credit unions uniting around the country in reaction to the Supreme Court decision that lead to the introduction of HR 1151, even though the ruling only impacted federally chartered credit unions.

Almost without exception, all credit unions were all in.

I was lucky to have been invited to attend the rally in Washington, D.C., where thousands of credit union employees and members assembled on the steps of the Capitol. What a great moment for the credit union movement!


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