CUNA’s MAP Community touted as engagement builder

CUNA’s newly launched Member Activation Program (MAP) community was highlighted this month in Association Now, in an article noting CUNA’s efforts to expand the reach of its government relations work. CUNA Grassroots Manager Adam Engelman spoke to the publication about the new community’s origins and CUNA’s goal for the online community.

“We decided to combine [CUNA’s Political and Grassroots Network (PGN) and MAP credit union] groups to provide this community where we can provide the latest content to MAP credit unions, where they can go out to their members and educate them on these issues, but at the same time having our PGN members educating their peers on these issues as well,” Engelman said.

Engelman also emphasized the community’s part in CUNA’s larger efforts to better spread the word about advocacy efforts, and how it was created in response to members asking for additional advocacy resources and help, including in-person training and other platforms.


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