CUNA S. 2155 efforts brings 45M social impressions, 45K emails

CUNA’s grassroots advocacy in support of the Senate’s bipartisan Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155) led to millions of social media impressions and more than 45,000 emails sent to Senators last week. The Senate debated the measure throughout the week, and is expected to resume discussions Monday, with a final vote on passage potentially coming this week as well.

“Last week was a great week for our grassroots army, which said loud and clear that this bill is about helping community financial institutions and consumers, regardless of what its opponents claim,” said CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle. “The thousands of emails and millions of social media impressions from around the country are a clear indication of how badly this bill is needed, and it’s up to the entire credit union system to continue our engagement to get this bill across the finish line.”

Stakeholders can use CUNA’s Campaign for Common-Sense Regulation website to contact their Senators, and can use CUNA’s Member Activation Program to activate their members to contact Senators as well.


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