CUNA/leagues call for PCA relief

CUNA and Leagues called on the NCUA board to adopt an interim final rule to provide Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) relief. The 2020 interim final rule (IFR) on PCA expired December 31, 2020.

“We ask the NCUA to adopt an IFR essentially identical to the 2020 IFR adopted last year that provided relief to credit unions experiencing PCA issues related to an increase in share growth,” the letter reads. “The relief should remain in effect until the end of the pandemic as determined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or other federal entity authorized to make such a determination.”

The previous interim final rule provided credit unions PCA relief by:

  • Permitting the NCUA Board to issue an order to temporarily waive the earnings retention requirement for any credit union classified as adequately capitalized; and


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