CUNA leaders to host post-election landscape webinar Nov. 8

CUNA staff will host a post-election webinar Thursday, where CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle, Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan, Chief Political Officer Richard Gose and Deputy Chief Advocacy Officer for Political Action Trey Hawkins will give a comprehensive breakdown on how the election results will shape CUNA advocacy efforts going forward.

Registration is now open for the webinar, which is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (ET) Nov. 8, and is free for CUNA members.

Items covered will include:

  • CUNA’s political and grassroots efforts to secure a credit union-friendly majority in both chambers for the 116th Congress;
  • How the results will impact credit union advocacy priorities, including potential leadership changes and new committee members.


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