CUInsight Minute with Linda Lafortune – April 16, 2021

Our favorites from the week in sixty seconds.

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Projects & Partnership Coordinator Linda Lafortune with our favorite reads from the week.


Pick a great wealth manager who has these 6 characteristics
Achieving and maintaining financial stability is a goal many Americans have. Everyone wants peace of mind knowing that their money is being handled properly. Wealth Managers play an important role in helping you make smart financial decisions to meet your short- and long-term goals. (read more)

Connecting with your community with Teresa Shore
We are fa-mi-ly…I got all my CUs and me ?Credit unions, traditionally, are all about community. But how can they be sure they’re making good on that claim? This week on CRMNEXT’s Banking On ExperienceTeresa Shore of Adventure Credit Union offers some fantastic tips on what it really means to connect with community.  (read more)

*Click here to register for the free webinar on April 21st presented by CRMNEXT, Little Giants: Have a BIG Community Impact at Any Size

Linda Lafortune

Linda Lafortune

Linda is the Director of Learning & Client Support at CUInsight.  She has an extensive background in the credit union industry having worked in both large and small credit unions, in ... Web: Details