CUInsight Minute with Courtney Scott – April 9, 2021

Our favorites from the week in sixty seconds.

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Community & Marketing Coordinator Courtney Scott with our favorite reads from the week.


Impact of changing consumer behavior on debit cards and P2P payments
We can liken the events of 2020 to a toddler or teenager’s tantrums. Like a widely dramatic mood swing, day to day we never knew what would come next. It taught us how to sit within uncertainty, how to cope with change, but most importantly – how to adapt.The credit union industry adapted quickly to meet the immediate needs of our members – loan forgiveness, PPP loans, mortgage forbearance. We also saw a shift in how consumers spent money. (read more)

Play bigger: What “the other guys” don’t want you to know
It’ll come as no surprise to CUInsight readers — credit unions have a secret weapon that isn’t necessarily wielded as much as it can be.One of the hallmarks of a credit union is a strong foundation built upon community connection and involvement. That’s the heart of it all.It seems like every day there’s a new digital bank or tech giant wanting to dive headfirst into banking, marketing themselves as the newest, shiny object to attract potential customers. (read more)

Register for their free webinar on Wednesday, April 21 at 1pm here.

Buildings don’t get the credit they deserve
Buildings often don’t get the credit they deserve. They ground your organization and play a deep, cultural role – even when many employees aren’t there. They serve as a physical embodiment of your brand, bring employees together, and allow you to bring cultural values to life. Buildings have a major impact on the people who make your credit union what it is. (read more)