CUInsight Minute with Alyssa Angurio – March 17, 2023

Our favorites from the week in sixty seconds.

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Community and Marketing Coordinator Alyssa Angurio with our favorite reads from the week.


The four keys to credit union success

Having solid systems in place is core to any successful business. Equally important is the constant support these systems receive to stay up-to-date, agile, collaborative and in-line with customer needs.

The credit union system is no different. Cooperation among cooperatives is a crucial cog in the machine that is the credit union movement. To stay modern and competitive with financial service providers, credit unions require support that enables them to perform at a high level for their members.

This collaborative effort should be focused on four key areas in 2023, to help advance the credit union movement and ensure a strong future for the industry. [read more]

Build teams your way

Everyone in the credit union industry knows it’s all about people helping people. People are at the center of everything you do, from your employees and volunteers to your members and the entire community you serve. Ultimately, they are your reason for being and the reason for your success.

With so much importance on people, then, it’s critical that you can build your teams your way. By putting the right people in place to do the right jobs, you can help your credit union shine with impeccable service, strategic planning, and creative initiatives that differentiate you as a leader in the marketplace.

Sometimes, however, you can find yourself held back by a lack of technical expertise, even within the most amazing teams. In these cases, building your team your way doesn’t have to mean hiring a team of highly skilled IT professionals. With strategies like IT staff augmentation, you can build teams your way without skipping a beat, no matter your technical needs. [read more]

3 reasons your credit union strategic plan isn’t working

Here you are, nearing the end of Q1 and things haven’t gone according to (strategic) plan. At this point, it’s a document that’s collected dust as you’ve put out fires with no time to focus on strategy and leadership. I can say that you’re not alone. I’ve been there personally, and over the course of the last 15 years, I’ve seen it happen time and time again.

Thankfully, I’ve taken a lot of notes. I’ve had great coaches help me get out of the strategic rut, and in turn, I’ve helped dozens of credit union leaders get out of that same rut. Here are 3 common reasons I see credit union strategic plans stall: [read more]

Alyssa Angurio

Alyssa Angurio

Alyssa Angurio is the Marketing and Community Engagement Manager at, the leading digital trade publication serving credit unions. Alyssa oversees the valued Community of thought leaders and industry ... Web: Details