CUES CEO Institute III Day 1: How do you know you are growing?

by. Devin Selte

As we commenenced Day 1 at Darden, it brought forth many statements from our faciliator, Alec Horniman, that challenged us to think.

Some of my favorites:
– 90% of behaviour is habitual
– Every choice we make makes a difference
– Choices we make create opportunities to create value
– How can I be relevent?
– We live in language.
– We lead in language
– Every thing we are certain of we are probably mistaken.
– If you can’t think it and believe it, you can’t see it in a way that makes sense

Lots to reflect on and interpret on what it means to me over the week and likely during my journey home on Friday.

The comment that stuck with me the most from Alec was the title of this blog.

How Do You Know You Are Growing?

As we have our staff go to different types of training programs or conferences to learn and to develop, we typically ask them what they have learned and what they are going to do different in their role.  It’s our domain of learning which includes me (how this learning will benefit me), my role, and my credit union.

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