Crypto confidence: Zero Trust is a must

To strengthen your financial institution’s security in the evolving landscape of digital currencies, implementing Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is crucial. This approach requires commitment from all organizational levels and focuses on gradual, pillar-based progress towards optimized cybersecurity.

Whether you’ve dived into crypto or are cautiously observing, the best way to fortify your credit union and the security of your members is with Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA), a cybersecurity approach intended to address the security risks faced.

This concept might be known by another name within your organization, or just in the beginning stages of implementation. Regardless of where you are in the process, ZTA means diving into complexity, utilizing your budget, and dedicating time, if your credit union doesn’t already. To achieve success, it’s vital to have engagement and cooperation across the organization from senior leadership all the way to data and system owners.

The Zero Trust Maturity Model represents a gradient of implementation across five pillars, allowing for gradual progress towards optimization. As organizations transition into ZTA, solutions will increasingly rely on automated processes and systems that will fully integrate across pillars.


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