Credit unions continue pushback against Marshall-Durbin interchange bill

Kansas credit unions and banks issued a statement of opposition to the interchange bill from Sens. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., and Dick Durbin, D-Ill. while Marshall was in Kansas recently. Jason Stverak, CUNA’s deputy chief advocacy officer, told CUInsight that these are part of efforts to combat the legislation, which will have a large negative impact.

“[This] is being replicated all over the country from California to Maine and Florida to Washington to help not just educate the retail public but the general public at large on the threat the legislation will be to average Americans and the availability of credit,” Stverak said. “Capitol Hill continues to be flooded with tens of off thousands of emails and calls talking about the threats of the legislation. August is not a time for credit unions to take a vacation. It’s when our grassroots efforts step up.”

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