Credit union-friendly majority elected to serve in 116th Congress

Tuesday’s mid-term elections resulted in a credit union friendly majority being elected to the 116th Congress, CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle said Wednesday. CUNA, leagues, credit unions and members were heavily involved in the election, including support for 388 candidates for the House and Senate.

“Credit unions invested a record $7 million into this election to help continue the positive momentum we’ve seen for credit union priorities in Congress,” Nussle said. “We’re pleased that we’ll have many friendly faces in the next Congress, and we’ll be working hard from now until then to connect with new members and engage with returning members to advance credit union priorities.”

Nussle, CUNA Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan, Chief Political Officer Richard Gose and Deputy Chief Advocacy Officer for Political Action Trey Hawkins will conduct a post-election webinar Thursday, scheduled for 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. (ET). Registration is open for the webinar, which is free to CUNA members.


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