Cookies to connection: Credit unions embrace first-party data for better member relationships

It’s time to tell the Cookie Monster to take a seat. In today’s digital marketing world, the importance of first-party data has come into sharp focus, especially as third-party cookies and pixels are being phased out. For credit unions, which rely heavily on personalized member engagement and trust, leveraging first-party data has never been more crucial. Let’s explore why first-party data is essential and how credit unions can effectively harness it in this new era of privacy.

Understanding the shift away from cookies & pixels

Third-party cookies and pixels have long been the backbone of digital marketing, enabling advertisers to track user behavior across different websites and deliver targeted ads. However, growing concerns about privacy and data security have led to significant changes. Major browsers like Chrome and Safari are eliminating support for third-party cookies, and regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are enforcing stricter data privacy rules.

This shift underscores the need for businesses, including credit unions, to pivot towards first-party data. Unlike third-party data, which is collected by external entities, first-party data is gathered directly from interactions with members and customers. This includes data from website visits, mobile apps, social media interactions, surveys, and other direct engagements.


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