Continuing to bring credit unions’ voice to Capitol Hill

Artificial Intelligence has gone from science fiction to a regular fixture in our homes and businesses at a rapid rate, and Congress and policymakers are examining ways to govern its use in financial services and beyond. Relentless advocacy from America’s Credit Unions means ensuring credit unions are part of those AI policy discussions from day one.

Great Lakes Credit Union Chief Operating Officer Elizabeth Osborne shared how her credit union uses an artificial intelligence called “Olive” to improve member outcomes and increase efficiencies at a House Financial Services Committee Tuesday.

America’s Credit Unions has been part of the committee’s AI work since it first convened a working group. Elizabeth served as our representative with the group, helping to include several of our recommendations into the final report.

Legislators and regulators must take a careful approach to governing AI, weighing the benefits and potential burdens that would come with any potential policy.


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