Clarity on your credit union’s foundational issues

What it is, why you need it, how to get it

How much time do people in your organization spend each day clarifying some aspect of work that should or could have been clear to begin with? How many people seem confused about customer preferences, product nuances or compliance issues? The answer I usually hear is, “Too many!”

Organizations of all sizes operate with significant ambiguity about foundational issues ranging from the organization’s purpose and annual priorities, to the processes they use to deliver customer value. While such ambiguity is common, it comes at enormous long-term cost in the form of excess expense, faulty decisions, unnecessary risk and team members drained of the energy they need for productive effort.

Clarity is the solution. Clarity—the quality of being easily and accurately understood—provides everyone with guideposts pointing them in the same direction toward achieving the organization’s most important goals. Below I highlight five organizational Ps—purpose, priorities, process, performance, and problem solving—that are common areas of ambiguity yet which, by putting clarity first, can enable organizations to achieve outstanding performance.


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