CEO Update: Opposing expansion of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)

As you all know, DCUC has been actively defending the industry’s tax exemption amidst a concerning amendment proposed in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This effort involves numerous phone calls, meetings, grassroots campaigns, emails, and letters. It is worth every minute, and it is our honor to stand by and support our member credit unions.

While DCUC remains focused on protecting credit union tax exemptions, another bill is set to make its way through the House and Senate later this month. Despite having some provisions that DCUC would strongly support, the American Housing and Economic Mobility (AHEM) Act of 2024, sponsored by Senator Elizabeth Warren & Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, also includes concerning language and proposed regulations. The official bill text and summary can be found here.

One of the policy provisions that DCUC would strongly support would be the proposal to extend eligibility for VA home loans for first-time buyers, specifically to those who are direct descendants of certain veterans. DCUC finds this to be especially important since many of these veterans were unable to use their guaranteed home loans due to racial inequities over the years.

DCUC would also support the bill’s call to increase investments in key housing programs, including the Public Housing Capital Fund, the Native Hawaiian Block Grant Program, and several rural housing programs. Many beneficiaries are veterans who need support. Plus, it makes sense considering that many of these areas are either neglected or face challenges due to nearby multimillion-dollar estates driving up property values which in turn makes housing unaffordable.


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