CEO Update: DCUC on the world stage

Earlier this month, several member credit unions gathered in Warsaw, Poland for DCUC’s Overseas Sub-Council Conference. The conference, co-sponsored by Service Federal Credit Union, was a huge success, even with the prior uncertainty about traveling so close to the conflict in Ukraine.

To be honest, Warsaw exceeded all expectations. The city was not only cleaner and more efficient (traffic-wise), but also felt safer than most cities in the U.S. Plus, Warsaw had a vibe fueled by a deep sense of history, national pride, and a sense of hope and vision for the future. The overriding theme of the week was diplomacy. Not just international diplomacy, but what each attendee can take back to their community after spending the week in Poland.

Our conference opened with keynotes from both the U.S. Ambassador to Poland, The Honorable Mark Brzezinski, and General Philip Breedlove (USAF, Ret), the former Supreme Allied Commander for Europe, NATO. Both speakers are accomplished experts in developing and maintaining U.S. National Interests in Europe and beyond. Each did a fantastic job explaining what our Nation’s objectives are for ensuring a long-term partnership with Poland and securing peace in the region.

In addition to these excellent presentations from the stage, the group enjoyed several opportunities to explore the city, cuisine, and museums that offered a deep appreciation of Poland’s history and culture. However, what I treasured most was witnessing the growth of camaraderie among the different credit union leaders attending our conference. In my opinion, this is what makes the DCUC experience exceptional. Stronger ties within our industry mean a stronger, more cohesive industry as a whole.


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