Caroline Willard on leadership

The president and CEO of Cornerstone Credit Union League shares her thoughts on the importance of focus, finding inspiration, and what she’d like to see more of within the credit union industry.

Attention to detail and a drive for quality are part of Caroline Willard’s DNA, thanks to four years of working at Disneyland as a college student. When American First Credit Union recruited her from a southern California thrift in 2001, she knew little about the credit union movement but immediately felt the difference in the cooperative environment. She’s been working with credit unions ever since.

Here, the president and CEO of Cornerstone Credit Union League shares her thoughts on the importance of focus, finding inspiration, and what she’d like to see more of within the credit union industry.

On early career lessons …

I worked at Disneyland during college and learned a ton about discipline, show quality, and putting forth your best effort every day. There were lifelong benefits I’ve reaped from my time there. For example, a drive for quality and attention to detail are drilled into you. Disney isn’t about amusement or a ride, it’s about having a happy day with your family. The fact that the extrinsic product you’re selling isn’t always the same as the intrinsic appeal or need has really stuck with me.


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