Business owners linger while banking online

by: Brian Day

Business owners using mobile banking tend to stay logged in longer than other consumers, and they tend to utilize Apple devices to conduct their mobile banking.

Looking at the mobile banking usage trends from more than 200 financial institutions (FIs), a recent Malauzai Software survey found the average mobile banking session lasted one minute longer for business owners than other consumers. Business owners’ logins averaged 2 minutes and 29 seconds, while consumers stayed logged in for an average of 1 minute and 20 seconds. Interestingly, iPad sessions averaged 3 minutes and 34 seconds, and business owners are more likely than consumers to own a tablet.

Eighty-one percent of business owners’ mobile banking usage took place on an Apple device. iPads made up 20 percent of business owners’ mobile banking sessions, compared to 4 percent of consumers’ sessions. Overall, iPad usage is higher than Android smartphone usage for conducting mobile banking.

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