Business Continuity Planning – When does it end? Never!

by. Michele Dowis

Your Business Continuity Plan is a long-term commitment, not a stand-alone project. BCPs are living documentation; you should never stop updating this information. Updates are needed immediately after creation. Over time information will become useless and archaic if not updated.

  1. Secure executive level buy-in and add BCP initiatives to your Scorecard matrix. Without executive support and backing, staff may not feel motivated to put in the efforts.
  2. Engage staff to ensure importance is understood.   Not only is good DR a member benefit but safety/security for staff.   Operational areas have difficulties with finding time to dedicate to planning and updating. These areas are the most critical as they support the front line during and after an incident.
  3. Dedicate organization wide resources responsible for the planning and updating of your BCP. Without proper delegation of planning activities, responsibilities don’t miraculously get completed. Consider these competencies when selecting the proper individuals: good communicator, works well with a team, commands respect, accountable, flexible, and has a good understanding of the organization.
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