Build better connections: Millennials, credit unions & consumer education

Did you know that a number of Millennials don’t know where to turn when it comes to financial education and advice? Millennials have questions about money, and you can answer them. Before you can answer the questions Millennials are asking, though, you need to know how to reach them. Millennials don’t do things the same way previous generations did. The rising generation is the first to grow up completely immersed in digital technology and they possess a strong do-it-yourself attitude mixed with a desire to get the right information before making their financial choices. Millennials offer untapped opportunities, if you know how to take advantage of them.

By connecting with Millennials, you can build customer loyalty now — loyalty likely to carry over to coming decades.

Reaching Millennials is about meeting them where they are, and providing them with resources they can trust. Marketing efforts that are education-focused, and that integrate the latest technology and security innovations are more likely to succeed with Millennials.

In January, CO-OP gathered together a group of industry experts to discuss the topic of finding “Teachable Moments” that can help you reach Millennials. The webinar is presented by Ryan Zilker, Senior Manager, Market Analysis, CO-OP Financial Services; Dr. Brandi Stankovic, Senior Partner, Mitchell Stankovic & Associates; and Gary Kindle, Vice President of Operations, Elevations Credit Union. The insightful and stimulating conversation covers a number of strategies to help you reach and communicate with the generation that’s reshaping everything.

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