‘Breaking Banks’ with Brett King (pt.1)

Always a pleasure having Brett King on the program. His financial technology insight is greatly valued throughout the globe and we were lucky enough to have him on the show for a few minutes so we could pick his brain on today’s trends. But before we ventured into the latest FI trends, we discussed Brett’s new book: “Breaking Banks: The Innovators, Rogues, and Strategists Rebooting Banking” — which actually covers most of today’s trends.

In the part 1 of our chat, Brett discusses why he wrote the book, a quick overview, and then we dive into one his book’s topics: “Neo-Banks.” Neo-Banks are generally online entities such as Simple (acquired by BBVA), King’s Moven, and others. The premise here is the possibility of neo-banks usurping today’s traditional financial institution. Brett’s delivers in his take here.

Many thanks, again, for Brett being on the show — and stay tuned for part 2 when we take deeper dive into “Breaking Banks” on other FI topics such as Bitcoin, Lending 3.0, payments, branch transformation, and more. Enjoy!

Breaking Banks
Keynote at 2014 CUES Directors Conference

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