Behaviors all leaders should exhibit

by: Dan Berger

What if you looked at leadership as a personal quality and behavior rather than a role or title? That’s how Warren Bennis, author of “On Becoming a Leader,” describes leadership in today’s world.

His point was that more than just us – CEOs and senior executives – should be leaders. “While it has always been important for senior managers and executives to lead, it has never been more important for front line managers to do so,” he said.

Discussing non-negotiable qualities of leadership at all levels throughout an organization, marketing and communications expert Julie Salefski Blaszak said in a LinkedIn Pulse article that only 7 percent of people understand the goals of their organization and what they need to do to achieve them.

Yikes. This shows a huge gap in our impact as leaders and why we need more colleagues to step up to the front lines.


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