Be the One-in-a-million (or 663,000,000) to Your Members

Written by Liz

After weeks of error messages and crashes, I decided to buy a new laptop before my current one finally succumbs to the blue screen of death. For a technophobe like me, buying a new laptop is my worst nightmare. Go to and search for “laptop.” 6,720,212 results. Gulp. Maybe I’ll just go off the electronic grid for a bit.

So think about how daunting/paralyzing/maddening homeownership—the largest purchase most Americans will make—can be. With first-timers representing 39% of home purchasers, a large segment of your members are new to the process. Ninety-eight percent of those first-timers will get a mortgage. Just for fun, Google “mortgage.” Yep, that’s right—663,000,000 results. Yikes.

With so many choices available, why should anyone do business with you or your credit union? It’s not enough to say you have great service or the best rates. You know your competitors are saying the same thing. Well, you should know what your competitors are doing and saying. But we’ll save that for another day. Here’s how you can be that one-in-a-million:

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