Banking Leaders Discuss 2014 Strategic Planning Priorities

As we enter the planning season with a marginally better economy than last year, banks and credit unions are faced with margin compression, high operating expenses, new competitors and channel disruption that challenge even the most efficiently run organizations. Therefore, it has never been more important for institutions to formulate a successful strategic plan.

To assist with this process, I asked some of the foremost global leaders in the banking and credit union industry to provide thoughts on what they believe are the 2014 strategic planning priorities. This blog post is a companion to the post done at the beginning of the year regarding trends expected in 2013.

Understanding that each financial institution and market is different, it was interesting the uniformity of priorities offered to bank and credit union management by the more than 30 industry leaders I interviewed for this post. And while the ability to execute against these strategic priorities may be impacted by size of organization and other dynamics, there was a consensus among those who I spoke with that 2014 may be one of the most important planning cycles ever.

Enhance the Customer Experience

Improving the customer experience was the foundation of almost all of the responses I received around 2014 strategic priorities. Whether we are talking about branch reconfiguration, mobile banking applications, back office operations, etc. banking industry leaders believe an improved customer experience is the key to growth.

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