The latest from John Pettit

- by Anthony Fattore, BillingTree

Why payment integrations matter in collections

In what has now become a competitive digital landscape, since COVID-19, a large majority of agencies today require simple-to-use, automated solutions to meet growing consumer demand for diverse payment options. ...

- by David Baumann, Washington CU Daily

Coronavirus crisis response programs ripe for fraud: NCUA

The coronavirus crisis is presenting fraudsters with unique opportunities to ply their trade, the National Credit Union Administration warned credit unions last week. New account fraud, identity theft and cybersecurity ...

- by CUNA News

CU supporters win Senate, House primaries last week

Credit union-supported candidates across the country were victorious in primary elections last week. Last Tuesday saw primaries in Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Washington, while Tennessee conducted their primary last ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Unemployment rate sees slowdown in July

The U.S. economy exceeded expectations by adding 1.8 million jobs in July. NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long – in a new NAFCU Macro Data ...

- by Karen Bankston, CU Management

Q&A: Steering clear of ‘deer in the headlights’ syndrome

Like many other businesses, credit unions had to adapt quickly to the COVID-19 pandemic to steer clear of “deer in the headlights” syndrome and support members, employees and communities with ...

- by Frank Allgood, Your Marketing Co.

Brand repositioning in uncertain times

Would you characterize your credit union’s response as “survival mode” to the worst drop on record for the U.S. economy? All hands on deck! Behaviors change, systems are ...

- by Rachael Schwartz, CSI

Practice cyber hygiene with 6 basic CIS controls

The list of this century’s biggest data breaches, which have exposed more than 4.99 billion records, reads like a corporate who’s who: Yahoo, eBay, Equifax, Heartland Payment ...