The latest from John Pettit

- by Yvonne Evers, CUES Blog

Board succession planning checkup

Are you doing board succession planning? In the midst of a pandemic, it may be easy to put some things off, especially when boards and committees aren’t meeting in ...

- by Loran Jackson, NAFCU Compliance Blog

COVID-19 loan accommodations continue

Happy Middle Child Day! You’re not the wise elder, nor the adorable baby of the family but we still appreciate you! Speaking of appreciation, thousands of borrowers are grateful ...

- by Taylor W. Wells, On The Mark Strategies

Knowing yourself is key

Aristotle famously said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Do you know your credit union or community bank? What Aristotle refers to is self-introspection. It’s the exercise ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

CUs: Play an active role in advocating for the industry

Looking for an opportunity to tell your credit union’s story face-to-face so lawmakers understand how burdensome regulations and other issues impact growth and day-to-day operations? Through NAFCU’s revamped ...

- by Chason Hecht, CU Management

Managing mental wellness at credit unions

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the resulting emotional challenges employees confront escalates daily. Millions of employees and almost every employer are adjusting to previously unimaginable circumstances. Although it is hard ...

- by Bill Streeter, The Financial Brand

Gen Z prefers banks to big techs, but shuns branches

Millennials may take the prize as the most analyzed generation, from a marketing standpoint, but the next-younger generation, Gen Z, isn’t far behind. Considering that as of 2020 the ...