The latest from John Pettit

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Trump puts relief negotiations on hold until after election

According to news reports, President Donald Trump has told administration officials to stop working with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on another potential coronavirus relief package until after the election. ...

- by David Ralstin, Allied Insights

5 password protection fallacies

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently updated certain password guidelines that were previously thought to improve security.1These new recommendations aim to reduce vulnerabilities that result ...

- by Lou Grilli, Delivering Possibilities

Faster payments doesn’t mean real-time payments

The term “faster payments” is popping up more frequently – not just in payments-specific trade publications, but in the mainstream media as well – as discussions focus on the need to send ...

- by Marc Rapport,

Viral catastrophe. Digital response.

The coronavirus has forced credit unions across the country to dramatically change how they do business and serve members. At the onset of the pandemic in the United States, branches ...