The latest from John Pettit

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Ahead of election, NAFCU pushes for more CU wins

Although 2020 has been a year of challenges, NAFCU and the credit union industry have achieved several wins as they’ve worked to obtain a more efficient regulatory environment and ...

- by Jennie Boden, CU Management

Good Governance: Reimagining your board meetings

Credit union leaders everywhere seem to be asking the question, “How do we make our board meetings more effective and more engaging?” To answer that question, I think you have ...

- by Alexandra Hayter, SmartVault

Practicing mindfulness when working from home

For many of us, working from home has taken its toll during 2020, and 8 months down the line the lack of social interaction has had a negative impact no ...

- by Anthony Fattore, BillingTree

The credit union’s guide to mobile and online payments

These days, consumers have more choices than ever before when it comes to financial service providers. That’s why a successful digital strategy is critical if you want to rise ...

- by The Foundation

Giving hope when disaster strikes

2020 has been HARD. Our credit union family has not only been navigating a pandemic, but many have found themselves faced with natural disasters that uproot their families, their finances ...

- by Jim Devine, CUES Blog

Addressing PPP forgiveness questions

There is obviously a lot of confusion regarding the forgiveness issue for the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program loans. The ultimate fallout of this is the ...

- by CUNA News

CU leaders graduate from Foundation’s first virtual DE program

Thirty–seven credit union leaders were designated as Credit Union Development Educators (CUDEs) after completing the National Credit Union Foundation’s Credit Union Development Education (DE) Training. The September DE ...