The latest from John Pettit

- by Danielle Dyer, CUES Blog

Play to members’ hearts, not just their wallets

COVID-19 has forever changed the way we do business in nearly every industry, financial services included. In the second session of Directors & Dialogue December, hosted by CUES, finance and fintech ...

- by TransUnion

How to spot and avoid phishing scams

Have you ever received an email or text that just didn’t seem right? Maybe it was addressed to you and supposedly from a company you knew, but something felt ...

- by CUNA News

Senate passes NDAA w/ CUNA-backed BSA/AML language

The Senate passed the fiscal year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Friday, following House passage of the bill earlier this week. The bill passed by a 84-13 margin, which ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

CFPB finalizes general, seasoned QM definitions

As indicated by its fall rulemaking agenda that final rules would be released in December, the CFPB Thursday issued final rules to amend the general definition of a qualified mortgage (...

- by Bill Merrick, CU Magazine

PODCAST: Faith-based credit unions

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. This proverb sums up the mission of faith-based credit unions and the Faith Based ...

- by Christina Mitsopoulos, NAFCU Compliance Blog

NCUA issues proposal to allow capitalization of interest

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Board recently issued a proposed rule that would remove the prohibition on capitalization of interest in connection with loan workouts and modifications. NAFCU’s ...

- by Trellance Data Blog

Why credit unions are heading to the cloud in 2021

The benefits of cloud computing have become a hot topic in data analytics technology over the last few years. Savvy organizations across various industries have recognized cloud-based technologies for their ...