The latest from John Pettit

- by Jane Aylwin, SmartVault

Has your 2021 strategy changed?

In this year of turmoil, unpredictability, uncertainty and worry, the idea of strategy for anything further than a month ahead may seem like a dim and distant memory. But now, ...

- by Uri Kogan, CUES Blog

Five reasons you need a crisis to drive transformation

There’s a saying that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste. What it actually represents is an opportunity–and the space–for change that normally isn’t available. ...

- by CUNA News

CUNA announces new Agile Marketing eSchool

CUNA announces its new CUNA Agile Marketing eSchool to guide credit union marketers on methods to grow their credit unions with nimble and effective teams. “Agile, in the marketing environment, ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

New marijuana banking brief details recent developments

NAFCU has a new version of its marijuana banking brief available online to provide credit unions with comprehensive updates on IRS guidance, litigation, federal legislative efforts, and state-level marijuana laws. ...

- by Amanda Glincher, CU Management

How to capture top of digital wallet

With all the ups and downs of 2020, the one consistent thing was the adoption of digital. From online shopping to contactless purchases, the banking world saw a huge spike ...