The latest from John Pettit

- by Ignite Sales

What is good for the customer is good for the bank

Is it really true that the customer always comes first? Or, in banking, is that just a tired cliché that’s stamped on banking strategy where the number one goal ...

- by Nida Ajaz, FI GROW

Planning for 2021: Credit union marketing

We recently conducted a survey to discover how the pandemic impacted bank and credit union marketing budgets.  We discovered that 56% of organizations had some sort of impact on their ...

- by Josh McAfee,

Tough love following a harsh year

2020 was a remarkably challenging year for members, business owners, and entire communities across the globe. 2021 is not starting much better. As credit union leadership teams and boards consider ...

- by Janice Ringler, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Buckle up! Ancillary products & amount financed

As the ancient saying goes: New Year, New Car! (Unless you are Janice, who has had the same car since she was 16). When a member upgrades their vehicle they ...