The latest from John Pettit

- by Amanda Harr, SWBC PersonalHUB

How does your credit score stack up?

Ah, your credit score! There is a lot of information packed into that one little number. As you probably already know, your credit score can impact your financial well-being in ...

- by Jennifer Plager, CU Magazine

‘Agile’ marketing improves adaptability

When the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began, many marketers found themselves stuck in long-term plans that were difficult to adapt to the changing environment. But those who’d adopted an agile ...

- by The CU Lab

3 routes to create lift in payments vendor agreements

Credit union leaders nationwide have been tallying up costs, making revenue plans, and setting budgets amidst a pandemic and recent election. While you’re gearing up to right-size staff and ...

- by CUNA News

Kraninger resigns as CFPB director

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Kathy Kraninger and resigned her position Wednesday. Kraninger served as director since December 2018. “We thank Director Kraninger for her service leading the CFPB ...

- by Keith Monson, CSI

Regulatory change in 2021: The potential pace and scope

New presidential administrations bring about change. However, the implications for bank regulatory compliance depend on the president-elect’s agenda and the current economic environment. All evidence suggests that the incoming ...