The latest from John Pettit

- by CUNA News

CUs more likely to work with impacted members

CUNA Senior Economist Jordan van Rijn spoke with The Simple Dollar recently on mortgage forbearance and what borrowers should do regarding future forbearance. The CARES Act allows homeowners to apply ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Harper named NCUA Board chair

President Joe Biden has named Todd Harper as NCUA Board chair. Harper, the board’s only Democrat, has served as a board member since April 2019. “NAFCU congratulates Todd Harper ...

- by Floyd Salamino and Karan Bhalla, CU Management

Credit union branches—Still relevant in 2021?

As we enter 2021, it’s widely understood that COVID-19 was a major accelerator for digital transformation in banking. Credit unions’ most highly engaged members didn’t need a pandemic ...