The latest from John Pettit

- by CUNA News

Houses passes budget resolution

The House passed its budget resolution Wednesday evening by a vote of 218-212. The House and Senate Budget Resolutions begin the process of Budget Reconciliation by which Congress will likely ...

- by Charlie Miller, CU Management

Measure twice, convert (your core) once

Undertaking a core conversion is no small task, and it’s a decision no credit union takes lightly. When reading about the process and talking to peers who have lived ...

- by Darla Dernovsek, CU Magazine

Using knowledge to ‘carry one another’

Brian Castle never underestimates the value of knowledge in changing lives. Castle is vice president of real estate at $63 million asset Pine Bluff (Ark.) Cotton Belt Federal Credit Union. ...

- by Roxanne Leal, SWBC BusinessHUB

Offer your employees wellness benefits they’ll love

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you’ve probably been seeing heart-shaped chocolates and cards everywhere you look. But, did you know that February is also American Heart ...