The latest from John Pettit

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

Reframing our focus

As we work to continue to lead our organizations amid a challenging time, it can be hard not to dwell on things that have gone wrong or perceive any failures ...

- by CUNA News

Access to financial records must balance benefits, risks

CUNA called on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to ensure all users of consumer financial data comply with consumer data protection requirements in a letter sent Thursday. CUNA sent ...

- by Richard H. Gamble, CU Management

ALM rebalancing act

Credit unions are moving through 2021 with skewed balance sheets, asset/liability mismatches and pinched net worth after the turbulent and disruptive but survivable hurricane called 2020. The experience varied ...

- by Miguel Hablutzel, CU Magazine

Inherent risk is always dynamic

As the business landscape continues to evolve, accelerated by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many credit union executives have revenue generation and cost containment at the forefront of their minds. There ...