The latest from John Pettit

- by Jim Marous, The Financial Brand

The untapped power of SMS marketing in banking

Think about how you use your own mobile device. When do you first look at it during the day? What messages do you check first? Which messages are you most ...

- by Jesse Jacobs, CUES Blog

Successfully building the confidence to grow a career

On Jan. 1, I stepped up into the newly created role of executive vice president at my organization, $158 million Campco Credit Union, Gillette, Wyoming, which is now celebrating its ...

- by Joan Cleveland, SWBC PersonalHUB

It’s official – purchasing life insurance has gone digital!

We’ve been living through the digital transformation for years, but the COVID-19-related disruptions of 2020 really kicked it into overdrive. Millions of Americans had to adjust to working from ...

- by Jennifer Plager, CU Magazine

Shoe box full of financial literacy

In the early days of Serve Credit Union, much of the business was run out of a shoe box. So when the $87 million asset credit union in Des Moines, ...