The latest from John Pettit

- by Nick St. John, NAFCU Compliance Blog

CFPB acting director spells out new focus in internal letters

Acting Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Dave Uejio, has recently sent letters to the different divisions of the bureau to outline his vision for the agency’s ...

- by CUNA News

World Council releases 2021 Global Regulatory Update

How international standard setting bodies react to the institutional stress placed on credit unions upon the withdrawal of COVID-19 relief measures will set the tone for the regulatory issues affecting ...

- by Roberta Staley, CU Management

Saying ‘open sesame’ to open banking

The spring buds of open banking first emerged half a dozen years ago when Europe adopted a new directive for the financial sector that included making payments safer and more ...

- by TransUnion

What should I do if I become a victim of identity theft?

Identity theft happens when thieves fraudulently use your personal information for their own gain. These thieves may open up new lines of credit, withdraw money from your current accounts or ...