The latest from John Pettit

- by Eric Salzman, CUES Blog

A fuller array of financial risk management tools

The National Credit Union Administration’s proposed changes that would allow credit unions to use derivatives for hedging is a welcome event. Credit unions are complex financial institutions that should ...

- by Marc Rapport,

A strategy to show members love any day of the year

Public Service Credit Union ($65.2M, Fort Wayne, IN) didn’t kick off 2020 intending to play Santa Claus at the end of the year, but Fort Wayne’s oldest ...

- by CUNA News

Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union launches in Montana

Credit Union Awareness LLC announced today that the AI-driven, consumer consideration campaign, Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union®, is headed to Montana. The launch comes as thousands of credit ...

- by Bill Merrick, CU Magazine

The power of the ‘red rubber ball’

Kevin Carroll is a firm believer in the “red rubber ball.” That’s his metaphor, stemming from a difficult childhood, for the power of play and the pursuit of his ...

- by Steve Cocheo, The Financial Brand

Banking technology 2021: What’s hot and what’s not

Urgency has a way of making things fall into place when financial institution executives might otherwise dither or go down a bypath. While COVID-19’s challenges were often met through ...


Credit where credit’s due – with Steve Ely

For financial institutions looking to expand their addressable market, there’s a whole lot more to potential customers than the traditional credit report…well…reports. And, with so much more ...