The latest from John Pettit

- by Michael Hogan, CSP, SWBC BusinessHUB

OSHA and labor law posting: Are you compliant?

It’s that time of year again to ensure your business is complying with OSHA and Labor Law posting requirements. If you have one or more employees, you are required ...

- by Brandy Bruyere, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Joint owner or joint member: Only one may become a borrower

Credit unions are generally only allowed to make loans to their members under both state credit union acts and the Federal Credit Union Act (FCU Act). Sometimes questions come up ...

- by Krystal Rennie, Adlumin

2021 SIEM Showdown: Can your platform compete?

As March tips off, “tech madness” is ramping up as companies continue their search for the top cybersecurity tools in the market. After all, the key to protecting your network ...

- by CUNA News

CFPB commission would provide consistency consumers need

CUNA hopes a new consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) director will recognize the unique structure of credit unions and the benefit they provide consumers but CUNA also continues to have ...

- by Ron Jooss, CU Magazine

Hyland: Financial well-being for all takes ‘all-in’ approach

Financial well-being for all is an “all-in endeavor” that requires equal parts empathy and strategy, according to panelists participating in the 2021 CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference general session. “It really ...