The latest from John Pettit

- by John Pesh, CCE, CU Management

Nine steps to creating a deferred compensation program

It’s easy for a competitor who’s courting one of your best executives to offer a higher salary and annual bonus. If that executive has a well-designed deferred compensation ...

- by Richard H. Gamble, CUES Blog

Did the pandemic promote changes in branch prototypes?

Because similar functions are usually needed at each location, credit union branches are often built based on a prototype. Has something as disruptive as a pandemic that forced branch closures ...


Connecting with your community with Teresa Shore

We are fa-mi-ly…I got all my CUs and me ? Credit unions, traditionally, are all about community. But how can they be sure they’re making good on that claim? ...

- by David Park, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Mortgage servicing proposed rule

Last week, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) proposed amendments to the early intervention and loss mitigation rules in Regulation X. The changes were designed to protect consumers that may ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Appeals court: Websites not subject to ADA

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit issued a decision in a lawsuit related to ADA website accessibility issues, determining that websites are not considered a place ...

- by Janice Ringler, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Maturity limits for loan participations & eligible obligations

With the newest round of economic impact payments hitting members’ accounts, some credit unions are finding that they have too much liquidity and are starting to invest in loan participations ...