The latest from John Pettit

- by Celia Shatzman, CU Management

Fintech: What’s hype and what’s not?

No matter the industry, businesses and consumers alike look to technology to simplify their lives. Of course, that’s also the case at credit unions, particularly when it comes to ...

- by Lucy Harr, CU Magazine

Biologist finds place to grow

With a degree in biology from Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge, La., Timothy Morris wasn’t planning on a career in credit unions. But the scientific ...

- by Marc Rapport,

Acquiring outside talent begins from within

Not all of the nearly 2,000 full-time equivalent employees at Suncoast Credit Union ($13.5B, Tampa, FL) are there by way of Christopher Townsend. But, a lot of them ...

- by Frank Allgood, Your Marketing Co.

How culture relates to marketing

One of the most common job interview questions is, “Why do you want to work here?” When Your Marketing Co. interviews candidates, some of the people we interview make note ...

- by Cal Bowman, Think|Stack

What does the Colonial Pipeline breach mean for credit unions?

Colonial Pipeline reportedly paid $5M to hackers to end the ransomware attack, but the attack has resulted in dire consequences for consumers including price spikes, fuel shortages, and panicked buying ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

NAFCU, trades call on OCC to reconsider recent charters

NAFCU joined with several other financial services industry trades Thursday to reiterate concerns to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)about its novel bank licensing approach and ...