The latest from John Pettit

- by Marc Rapport,

How a former airline credit union dominates RV loans

An airline-based credit union is flying high in the land yacht business. Over the past several years, Alliant Credit Union ($14.0B, Chicago, IL) has built a recreational vehicle loan ...

- by Roberto Roffo, SWBC LenderHUB

Bond market forecast for second half of 2021

The municipal bond market took a wild ride in the first half of the year to near-historic levels of richness versus Treasuries that is rarely seen, and the environment is ...

- by Andy Janning, The Foundation

Side Effects: Act 3 | Here Right Now

I don’t know how to begin her story because I know, and she knows, how it will end. And every time I think about it, I break. I’ve ...

- by The CU Lab

Banking on artificial intelligence

In this episode, we’re talking all about the value artificial intelligence is bringing to credit unions. We’re getting into the challenges credit unions are experiencing, and the solutions ...

- by The Alacriti Payments Podcast

Episode 4: Connecting Rural Women to Financial Services

We spoke to Emilie Hibbard, a recent Boston University grad who has carried out focused research for Alacriti. Today, she discusses her research on the difficulties of rural women in ...

- by CUNA News

Reminder: 2021 CDRLF Grant round closes June 26

Low-income-designated credit unions seeking Community Development Revolving Loan Fund grants, including MDI mentoring grants, have until June 26 to submit their applications. Grant requirements, application instructions, and other important information ...

- by Dawn Lepore, CU Magazine

Want to succeed? Be selfish

I wish I had known about credit unions sooner in my career, and that’s partly why I’m so passionate about this movement. As a college senior, I needed ...