The latest from John Pettit

- by Podium

How reviews can help your credit union find new members

Your online reputation matters. And if potential members are reading online reviews that don’t accurately reflect the customer experience you provide your existing members, you’re likely losing to ...

- by Andreas Suma, CU Management

Credit unions should bank on chat

The pandemic has driven more consumers than ever to bank by mobile app, and seven in 10 would use a chat app for banking if their bank offered it, a ...

- by The CU Lab

HSA vs 401(k): Where to defer income for the future

This session will outline key aspects of how Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and 401(k)s help members save for the future. The session will discussion how to defer dollars ...

- by Allied Insights

Building a culture of learning to drive sales

As the pandemic moves further away in the rearview mirror, financial institutions are juggling a myriad of priorities and concerns, such as consumer satisfaction, consumer retention, revenue generation, and loan ...